Tel.: +420 777 553 543

Public transport

Easy and quick, only 15 minutes to the city center

Camping Shuttle

  • Free shuttle to the train station Praha Dolní Počernice, the train to Prague center runs from here
  • According to your wishes we arrange transports to the airport, city center, shopping centers, Zoo and others

Train – bus – subway

  • Connection to the city is very easy and quick
  • 24/7
  • Timetables, informations available at the reception and on our website
  • Tickets available at the reception

Travel time to the city center

  • By car 15 min
  • By train 12 min
  • By bus and subway 35-40 min

The nearest stations


  • Train S1 from station Dolní Počernice Train Station (10 minutes walk or 3 minutes by minibus from campsite) to Masarykovo nádraží/Masaryk Train Station or to Hlavní nádraží/Central Station.


  • From bus station Škola Dolní Počernice/School (1 minute walk from campsite):
    • bus 208 to subway station Depo Hostivař; to Europark shopping mall
    • bus 224 to subway station Černý Most; to shopping area in Černý Most
    • Bus 204 or 224 to station Černý most


  • Line A (green): Depo Hostivař – To subway station Depo Hostivař goes bus 208 and 163 (20 min.).
  • Line B (yellow): Černý Most – To subway station Černý Most goes bus 224 or 224 (25 min.).